Andy and Jo are now back from three busy days at Lianza. The conference, with 660 delegates and 70 trade stands, was one of the largest for many years and NZMS made lots of new friends whilst catching up with all our good mates.
Following on from last year’s spring-bloom seeds, our giveaway was heirloom vegetable seeds with the most popular being ‘Purple Carrots’ and ‘Tigerella (stripey) Tomatoes’! For those who took some seeds home we would love to hear (and see!) how your crops turn out (and parcels of purple carrot cake wouldn’t go amiss either!). We got fab reviews about last years plantings – about 80% of those flowered well green-thumbs crossed for this year! If you need instructions for the heirloom vegetable seeds please make contact with Jo.
The theme for the Conference was He Tangata He Tangata He Tangata and we used this as an opportunity to show off some of our fantastic staff at work – hope you liked the huge imagery we designed and printed ourselves. We also saw the heirloom seeds complementing our efforts in heritage materials imaging – we hope you saw that too.
As per usual, Andy can never resist a chance to play dress-ups and this year our costumes had a very tenuous link to gardening (continuing with our Trade Stand theme). Jo’s sparkly red shoes also attracted a lot of attention on the dance floor.

The conference next year is going to be in Dunedin and is Lianza’s 100th anniversary, it’s also NZMS’s 20th! We are brainstorming ideas for our stand and giveaways already so stay tuned for updates.