Grand Foyer, Auckland Museum
In 2008 the National Digital Forum Board invited NDF Partners to participate in a content and discovery digital initiative with the theme of Coming Home Te Hokinga Mai in commemoration of the the 90th Anniversary of the Armistice. The response form NDF partners was fantastic with many great examples of the the richness of our collections related to the theme.
Digital New Zealand, a collaborative programme led by the National Library, developed a uniqe application to produce a special Coming Home search widget that can be added to any website. You can use the widget here to discover Coming Home content across all participating NDF partners.
All NDF partners were invited to embed the Coming Home search widget on their sites in time for Armistice Day on 11 November 2008 to promote our collaboration and showcase digital content commemorating the 90th Anniversary of the Armistice.
‘Coming Home’ will officially be launched at the National Digital Forum Conference on 27 November.