Jun 3, 2020 | Archives, Collection Management, Digital Preservation, Digitise, Libraries, Museums, Planning, Resources
Cultural heritage collections provide invaluable information relating to our past and it is essential that institutions carefully consider how to protect them. Preventative conservation (correct storage, archival packaging, and proper handling) helps ensure the...
Nov 11, 2019 | Acetate, Archives, Audio, Case Studies, Collection Management, Digitise, Gallery, Museums, Planning, Resources, Vinegar Syndrome
Much of the world’s valuable cultural heritage is audio-visual material and it is a race against time to protect and preserve it. Historic audio-visual content is in danger of being lost because it is frequently stored on formats destined to degrade, its access...
Aug 28, 2019 | Archives, Gallery, Museums, Resources, Sarah Morgan
A guide to New Zealand Copyright for the Cultural Heritage sector Cultural Heritage Copyright in NZ Copyright Holders Copyright Duration Reproductions and Copyright Status, Statements and Creative Commons Conclusion References and Resources ...
May 26, 2019 | Acetate, Andy Fenton, Collection Management, Microfilm, Planning, Resources, Vinegar Syndrome
Does your photographic film or microfilm storage area have the faint smell of vinegar? Is it acrid enough to make your eyes water, or affect your breathing? Are you and your staff afraid to enter the room because they instinctively know something is not right? If the...
May 1, 2019 | Collection Management, Digitise, Planning, Resources
Considering the handling, packaging, storing and transportation of cultural heritage materials during the digitisation process is an important aspect of preserving the integrity and condition of your collections. These considerations will be discussed throughout this...
Jan 1, 2018 | Digitise, Recollect, Resources
Descriptive metadata We can capture the full-text content (and more) of digitised items including the contents of manuscripts, journals and books. We also can capture specific metadata such as author, dates, titles, descriptions, and subjective information...