May 8, 2018 | Alison Barnett, Andy Fenton, Leigh Rout, Museums Aotearoa, News
Will we see you at the Museums Aotearoa conference this year? NZMS are proud to be sponsoring the MA18 conference, to be held in Christchurch on 20 – 23 May 2018. The conference is being held over several venues across the Christchurch cultural landscape including...
Feb 1, 2018 | Andy Fenton, News, Recollect, Tyler Hersey
Libraries, Technology and the Future, the Australian VALA (Victoria Archive and Library Association) Conference in Melbourne 2018 is a must attend event for those in Australia working in the fast-changing information and technology environment of the GLAM sector. The...
Dec 14, 2017 | Andy Fenton, Digitise, Gavin Mitchell, News, Recollect, The National Digital Forum
21 and 22 November 2017, Te Papa, Wellington Since 2002 the National Digital Forum (NDF) Conference has benchmarked digital innovation in the Cultural Heritage space in Australasia. And this year’s 16th Annual Conference did not disappoint with an eclectic yet joined...
Nov 16, 2017 | Andy Fenton, Digitise, Gavin Mitchell, News, The National Digital Forum
NZMS has a long history of attending and supporting the National Digital Forum Conference and this year we are excited to be presenting at the Demo Hall. Andy Fenton and Gavin Mitchell will be presenting a discussion about; Surveying our Past: Historic Surveys Mapped...
Aug 7, 2017 | Andy Fenton, Digitise, News
50 years ago a team of independent reporters began writing down everything politicians said in debates at Parliament. They stood for truth and accountability and their work continues to this day. The team and their written record is known as Hansard. Over the month of...
Jun 30, 2017 | Andy Fenton, Museums Aotearoa, News
It’s nice to reflect on Conference attendance, in writing and sharing conference inspirations we not only acknowledge and appreciate the time and effort the Presenters put into their work but create the impetus to generate change. The conference theme was working for...